Clothing banks and thrift stores provide an assortment of free or low-cost clothing items, depending on donations. These clothing services usually offer clothing, shoes, accessories and household items. In addition, clothing banks and thrift stores may be able to order items for children from other outlets, making them a resource for infant and children’s clothes.

Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Childcare Youth Shelters Legal Assistance Clothing Counseling Education Meals
(082) 300-0048(082) 300-0048
Balay Banaag is a center which provide alternative family environment for children of women who a...

Emergency Childcare Legal Assistance Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters Youth Shelters Education Clothing
We commit to make a significant impact in the strategic areas of child care, environment, educati...

CARE FOR THE ELDERLY FOUNDATION, INC. HOME FOR THE AGED is a non – stock, non- profit org. ...

Clothing Meals Health Physical Health Mental Health Emergency Shelters Homeless Shelters Spiritual Legal Assistance
(082) 227-2976(082) 227-2976
Caritas Davao was started 43 years ago, in 1972, as the official welfare agency of the Archdioces...

Emergency Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Substance Abuse Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Youth Shelters Meals Legal Assistance
(082) 297-0035(082) 297-0035
advocates child and women rights to promote there human dignity as a person.

Homeless Shelters Childcare Youth Shelters Clothing Counseling Education Spiritual Health Mental Health Physical Health Domestic Violence Legal Assistance Meals
(082) 303-4264(082) 303-4264
To provide residential home for children and youth boys that grants programs and services geared ...

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Emergency Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Domestic Violence Legal Assistance Meals
(082) 222-5191(082) 222-5191
CRC helps children victims of state violence as well as children survivors of disasters and sexua...

Christ the Living Stone Fellowship Emmanuel Toril Mission Church founded in January 6, 2013 has b...

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Meals Spiritual Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Youth Shelters
(082) 303-4264(082) 303-4264
To provide residential home for children and youth boys that grants programs and services geared ...

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Meals Spiritual
(082) 221-2922(082) 221-2922
A shelter for street boys located in the heart of Bankerohan, Davao City. The center is administe...

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Meals Spiritual
Gasa sa Gugma-Home for the Dying Destitutes is a home for the aged,dying and abandoned.Along with...

Childcare Clothing Education Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Youth Shelters Legal Assistance Meals
Our children’s home is operated under the strict guidelines of the Philippine Government and is o...

(082) 299-6884(082) 299-6884
Along with the children’s home, we hope to provide comprehensive external recreational faci...

Childcare Clothing Education Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Domestic Violence Legal Assistance Meals
To see the lives of children at risk changed to Godly principles, honorable convictions, and inte...

PAG-AMOMA is a Visayan word that means “to nurture.” Christian faith-based organizati...

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Substance Abuse Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Legal Assistance Domestic Violence Spiritual
(082) 226-3710(082) 226-3710
“The SOS model of providing care for children without parental care is one of the best, as they a...

(082) 284-1682(082) 284-1682
The goal of Children’s Joy Foundation, Inc. is to provide children in the Philippines with variou...

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Meals Spiritual Legal Assistance Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters
(082) 303-4264(082) 303-4264
To provide residential home for children and youth boys that grants programs and services geared ...

Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Youth Shelters Family Shelters Childcare Education Clothing Counseling Health Mental Health Physical Health Legal Assistance Meals
(064) 421-1946(064) 421-1946
Al-Balagh Development and Charitable Foundation, Inc. A charitable organization founded in 2008 f...

(064) 421-8152(064) 421-8152
To provide a Christ centered home enviroment for the needy so they can mature physically, spiritu...